


Highlights of the U.S. Section 232 Actions Procl帝寶產後護理之家|台中月子中心費用aimed by President Trump



I. 對進口鋼材采取的措施


鋼的措施范圍:這裡所指涉的“鋼材”為協調關稅附表(HTS)六位海關稅號所代稱的如下產品: 1. 7206.10 到 7216.50;

2. 7216.99 到7301.10;

3. 7302.10 及 7302.40 到7302.90;

4. 7304.10 到7306.90;

5. 這裡的分類還包括對這些HTS分類的任何後續修訂。

主要涵蓋的鋼產品范圍:包括但不限於碳及合金成品板材產品,碳及合金成品長材產品,碳及合金成品管材,碳及合金半成品鋼材,不銹鋼產品。 Steel: “Steel articles” are defined at the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) 6u001edigit level as: 7206.10 through 7216.50, 7216.99 through 7301.10, 7302.10, 7302.40 through 7302.90, and 7304.10 through 7306.90, including any subsequent revisions to these HTS classifications.

II. 對進口鋁材采取的措施帝寶產後護理之家|台中產後月子中心推薦


鋁:這裡所指涉的“鋼材”為協調關稅附表(HTS)六位海關稅號所代稱的如下產品: 1. 未鍛軋鋁(HTS 7601);

2. 鋁條,型材及異型材(HTS 7604);

3. 鋁絲(HTS 7605);

4. 鋁板,鋁片,帶材和箔(扁平軋材)(HTS 7606和7607);

5. 鋁管和管及鋁制管子附件(HTS 7608和7609);

6. 鋁鑄件和鍛件(HTS 7616.99.51.60和7616.99.51.70)

7. 這裡的分類還包括對這些HTS分類的任何後續修訂。

Aluminum: “aluminum articles” are defined in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) as: (a) unwrought aluminum (HTS 7601); (b) aluminum bars, rods, and profiles (HTS 7604); (c) aluminum wire (HTS 7605); (d) aluminum plate, sheet, strip, and foil (flat rolled products) (HTS 7606 and 7607); (e) aluminum tubes and pipes and tube and pipe fitting (HTS 7608 and 7609); and (f) aluminum castings and forgings (HTS 7616.99.51.60 and 7616.99.51.70), including any subsequent revisions to these HTS classifications.

III. 帝寶產後護理之家|台中月子中心評價實施細則

生效日期:在美國東部時間2018年3月23日午夜0:01分以後,進關或出庫的消耗用鋼制和鋁制物品將適用該關稅。 Effective date: additional duties will apply to steel and aluminum articles entered or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01am eastern time on March 23, 2018. 無終止時間:該措施將保持有效,除非明確減少,修改或終止。第232條法令不包含關於第232款措施的期限日落條款,因此總統可控制措施的期限。另一方面,“公告”授權美國商務部監控進口情況,並告知總統任何可能表明可能需要采取進一步措施的,或者無需繼續采取措施的情況。因此可以在情勢變更下在未來對上述兩措施進行修改或終止。 The measure will remain in effect unless expressly reduced, modified or terminated. The section 232 statute does not contain a sunset provision on the duration of any section 232 action so the President has control over the duration of the measure. On the other hand, the Proclamation directs Commerce to monitor imports and inform the President of any circumstances that might indicate a need for further action, or lack of the need to continue the measure, so the measure can be modified or terminated in changed circumstances in the future. 實施程序:根據美國協調關稅表(HTSUS)第99章第3分節的修改版本進行,這一修改版本將在232公告附件中給出。所涵蓋鋼制和鋁制物品將被要求根據附件提供的關稅代碼申報入關。 美國海關可能會就如何申報涉案鋼鐵和鋁制品發佈指導意見。 Procedure: subchapter III of chapter 99 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) is modified as provided in the Annex to the Proclamation (we’ll provide the Annex when it becomes available). Covered steel and aluminum articles will be directed to enter under tariff codes provided in the Annex. CBP likely will issue a guidance on how covered steel and aluminum articles should be declared.

IV. 措施關稅赦免

目前關稅赦免范圍:加拿大和墨西哥已被關稅赦免。然而,這兩個國傢的繼續關稅赦免取決於“與這些國傢正在進行的討論”的進展(包括北美自由貿易協定的重新談判)及其防止被執行措施國轉出口的措施。 Canada and Mexico are exempted at this time. However, continued exemption of these two countries is contingent upon “ongoing discussions with these countries” (including the NAFTA renegotiation) and their actions to prevent transshipment. 自願出口限制作為可能替代措施:當下暫時不提供對其他國傢的關稅赦免。但這一關稅赦免可通過談判達成。在特朗普總統的232措施公告中,總統指出,“隻要與我們有一個安全的關系,我們歡迎任何國傢與美國商討解決該國進口所導致的美國國傢安全問題的替代救濟措施。”特朗普總統要求,如果任何國傢想要獲得關稅赦免,那麼必須通過政府之間的談判才能實現。有分析師和美國貿易代表辦公室的前官員認為,美國貿易代表Lighthizer可能會提出自願出口限制作為這一替代措施。 Additional country exemption is not provided at this time but possible through negotiations. In the Proclamation, the President states that “any country with which we have a security relationship is welcome to discuss with the United States alternative ways to address the threatened impairment of the national security caused by imports from that country.” Trump is essentially inviting government-to-government negotiations if any country wants to be exempted. 產品特定關稅赦免的兩個觸發條件:目前沒有提供產品特定的關稅赦免,但可以請求特定產品予以關稅赦免。在特朗普總統的232措施公告中,特朗普總統指出,美國商務部與其他機構協商後,有權對“在美國國內生產的產品不能提供充足且合理的產量或令人滿意的質量時對美國以外生產的鋼鐵物品提供這一關稅赦免。此外,美國商務部還有權根據特定的國傢安全考慮提供此類關稅赦免。特朗普總統要求,“隻有在美國國內的直接受該措施影響的主體提出赦免請求後,美國商務部才能為鋼制品提供此類關稅赦免。” Product-specific exclusion is not provided at this time but may be requested and granted. In the Proclamation, the President states that Commerce, in consultation with other agencies, is authorized to grant exemption from the 232 duties for “any steel article determined not to be produced in the United States in a sufficient and reasonably available amount or of a satisfactory quality and is also authorized to provide such relief based upon specific national security considerations.””Such relief shall be provided for a steel article only after a request for exclusion is made by a directly affected party located in the United States.” V. 對受到該舉措負面影響的公司的建議

加快美國清關流程:審查並確定貴公司的出口貨物是否落入措施執行的范圍。如果您有貨物正在運輸途中,必須在2018年3月23日東部時間午夜00:01之前清關,以避免額外的關稅。 Immediate next steps: review and determine whether your company’s imports are covered by the action based on the tariff codes. If you have incoming shipments of subject merchandise on the water, they must be entered before 12:01am eastern time on March 23, 2018 to avoid the additional duties. 考慮請求關稅赦免:受此措施影響的美國公司可要求赦免。美國商務部被要求在本公告發佈之日起10日內,發佈這一關稅赦免請求的程序。這可能是一個公開程序,美國商務部將接受赦免請求和其他相關方針對赦免請求的評論,然後做出決定,並可能在做出決定前與其他機構協商。 Consider requesting exclusion for your imports. A U.S. company being affected by the measure can request for an exclusion. Commerce is directed to issue procedures for the requests for exclusion within 10 days after the date of this Proclamation. This likely will be a public process in which Commerce will accept exclusion requests and comments on exclusion requests and then make a decision based on the comments and potentially consultation with other agencies. 關稅赦免決定後美國商務部行動:關於任何美國商務部提供的赦免措施,“公告”指出,美國商務部門必須公佈其決定,向美國海關通知該決定,並與美國海關就為便於執行該赦免事項而進行的HTS條款的可能修改進行協商。 As to implementation of any granted exclusion, the Proclamation states that Commerce must publish a notice of its determination, notify CBP of the decision, and consult with CBP on possible modification of the HTSUS provisions in order to administer the exclusion. 進行促進關稅赦免的政治努力:受影響的企業應當積極參與任何可能有助於確保以國傢為基礎或以產品為基礎的赦免的政治宣傳。這可能涉及與政府的聯系,包括白宮和美國貿易代表,國會,國防部或與你有共同利益的行業及貿易組織。 Engage in political advocacy that will facilitate any efforts to secure country-based or product-based carve-out. This could involve outreach to the Administration, including the White House and USTR, the Hill, the Department of Defense, or industrial or trade organizations that have a common interest with you. 確定進口產品是否落入措施范圍內:請註意,措施實施的產品范圍由HTS代碼所劃定。您應當根據貴公司進口產品的性質,仔細對照HTS代碼下的進口關稅分類,並確定進口產品是否落入措施針對的產品范圍內。例如,我們最近為客戶爭取瞭一個有利的分類裁定,在該裁決中,美國海關接受瞭我們的觀點,即客戶的進口貨物應該落入HTS第84章中歸類為機器的一部分(這不屬於232措施的范圍),而不符合HTS第73章中的基本金屬的構成要求(這將在該措施的范圍內)。 Note that the scope of the action is defined by tariff codes. Depending on the nature of the products your company imports, a closer review of the tariff classifications of your imports may be warranted. For example, we recently worked with a client to secure a classification ruling in which CBP accepted our arguments that the client’s article should be classified as parts of machinery in Chapter 84 (which will fall outside the scope of the 232 action) instead of as articles of base metal in Chapter 73 (which will fall within the scope of the action). 原文整理:楊春蓮(美國奧斯頓律師事務所紐約辦公室)


奧斯頓律師事務所(Alston Bird LLP)成立於1893年,是一間面向全球的綜合性律師事務所,向國內及跨國客戶提供跨越多行業的法律顧問服務。該所於2014年8月21日獲得司法部批準在華設立駐北京代表處(司發通[2014]86 號)。其中國業務團隊由來自多個辦事處和不同地區的律師和顧問組成,為中國客戶提供在中美及跨境商務交易中涉及的各類法律需求方面的咨詢服務和建議。


本文編輯/ 鮑怡婕




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